CAISSON TURNER Legal Services 0191 232 1340
Caisson turner frequently asked questions

Property Legal FAQs

Got a question about our solicitor services? You might find your answer in this list of frequently asked questions. If you're question isn't answered below, don't hesitate to contact us directly.

Does my solicitor need to be local to me to be able to act?

No, we are a North East based firm with a national reach. All transactions can be dealt with remotely or via post. Clients all over the UK and even further afield in other countries benefit from our personal approach and our regional fee scale.

Do I pay my solicitor by the hour?

We agree fixed fees with our clients at the outset of the transaction so that everyone has certainty around project costs. Occasionally, if matters become unduly protracted, we may have to start charging by the hour but this would be agreed with the client in advance

Can I talk to a solicitor before instructing?

We offer all new clients a free 30-minute consultation with our principal solicitor and owner Alex Westwood in order to understand your project. Following which we'll propose a way forward and appropriate solutions tailored to your particular needs

How do I communicate with my solicitor?

We embrace technology and use a market leading case management designed for boutique legal practices. We combine updates via email, with telephone calls and texts where appropriate to do so. We also offer secure data rooms for each client in order to access electronically documents via the cloud.

How long will my transaction take?

We work with our client's project deadlines and if time is short we work to find a commercial solution to this by prioritising resource. We also aim to staff-up where necessary in order to maintain a consistent, responsive, and personal service for our clients. We look to agree regular ‘touch points' with our clients in order that our clients know that they are on our priority list and their matter is moving forward.

Need a Consultation?

Contact the Caisson Turner team for a friendly discussion about your legal needs.

0191 232 1340

Or we can call you back at a time of your choice.